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Are Your Students AND Staff Technologically Literate for the 21st Century?

November 3, 2009

John Canuel, Mary Beth Bazzanella,
Julie Starling, Jill Montoya
(November 3, 2009 – 8:00-12:00)

“Excellent hands-on learning that is relevant and process oriented.” That was just one of many comments made by participants about this valuable technology workshop. People were all abuzz and involved in this very interactive, hands-on event. The Jeffco Schools’ District Technology Team kept educators engaged by using a variety of activities. The team presented information about the ISTE National Educational Technology Standards for Students and Staff. Participants were given time to practice new learning on computers and to work in partners and small groups on a variety of activities and to process information. Copies of the ISTE Student and Teacher booklets were provided for participants to take with them.

Once again, educators came from around the state: St. Vrain, Cherry Creek, Poudre, Pueblo, Clear Creek, Gilpin County, Denver, Jeffco, Brighton, Park County, etc. There was time to network and learn from each other. One person wrote, “I enjoyed seeing what other districts are doing.”

Thanks to John Canuel, Mary Beth Bazzanella, Julie Starling and Jill Montoya for giving of their valuable time and expertise! They did an outstanding job! One last comment from a participant was … “WOW! Motivational! Thanks for specific things that we can do right away. Another exceptional offering (by CSDC)”!


November 3, 2009