
Summer Learning Institute

Lifeline Coaching

What? LFC is providing free, confidential coaching support to members as they work through the changing landscape of education and the high levels of stress brought on by changes and uncertainty beyond our control.  From disruption can come innovation! Why Coaching? Help mediate your thinking and improve your efficacy as an educator and learner! How? Simply fill out […]

Repacking Our Bags: Moving Ahead with Purpose

Even before the last 15 months of upheaval and unrest, educators were carrying a heavy load of required content and standards. But over the last 15 months, we were forced to add even more techniques, approaches, and content to our proverbial backpacks. As we head into summer, it’s time to dump everything onto the ground […]

Maximizing Resilient Learners-Book Study

There is a growing concern in education; trauma and the effects it has on learning and teaching. Let’s gather and talk about ways to support our students as they navigate the challenges in their lives. Join a book study reflecting on the text, Fostering Resilient Learners, enriched by sharing our personal experiences. You may join […]


2 Part Mini-Series – YES I CAN!

Stuck in a rut with coaching? Wondering how other systems are engaging teachers in meaningful, job-embedded professional learning and coaching? In these sessions we will consider challenges facing coaches and other instructional leaders. Participants will engage in the Human-Centered Design process to actively work through current and relevant constraints in their work in order to […]

Ongoing Cohort of Leaders

Coaches and Teaching Partners, Please join us for a cohort opportunity! We are creating a small community of coaches and teaching partners who would like to meet on a regular basis to learn from each other as we are all in roles that support educators. Our group will determine the key topics to focus on but […]

Summer Learning Institute

JUNE 14 8:30 A.M. - 3:30 P.M. EASTRIDGE ELEMENTARY 11777 E WESLEY AVE, AURORA, CO 80014 RE-IGNITING OUR LEARNING SYSTEMS: A COLLABORATIVE LEARNING OPPORTUNITY Featuring Frederick Brown Chief Learning Officer I Deputy Learning Forward with breakout sessions led by Colorado educators School and System Leaders: Spend a day immersed in new ideas, tools, and frameworks […]

Learning Forward Events