
Feedback Forum

Where the Rubber Meets the Road: Improving Instruction through Lesson Study

Lois Easton did an outstanding job of engaging participants in a variety of strategies to learn about this powerful form of professional learning called Lesson Study.  Attendees were challenged to experience the technique through simulation, actually engaging in the process and then debriefing the experience.  Lois then covered the basic elements of lesson study including […]

Learning Forward Colorado Annual Conference

Dr. Thomas Guskey Neither snow nor ice nor interstate highway closures could deter Dr. Tom Guskey from arriving in Colorado to share his work with Colorado educators! People from around the state gathered to learn from & with Dr. Guskey . and their colleagues. Dr. Guskey's content focused around two important topics: Improving Student Learning […]

Engaging Digital Learners

Educators from around the state participated in this excellent learning event focused on how to use technology most effectively to engage students in learning. Mary Beth Bazanella, Matt Cormier, Julie Starling, & Jill Montoya did an excellent job of facilitating this hands-on workshop. Participants had the opportunity to explore a variety of technology tools using […]

The New Standards for Professional Learning

Educators traveled from as far away as Steamboat and Colorado Springs to attend this important workshop. Chris Bryan and Joellen Killion did a masterful job of guiding participants through the new Standards for Professional Learning. We engaged in several small group activities that helped educators understand the standards and how critical they are for all […]

Implementing Culturally Inclusive Pedagogy: Teaching Like Our Students’ Lives Matter

With Donna Sobel, Ph.D. and Sherry Taylor, Ph.D. Thursday, February 9, 2012 If you missed this workshop, you missed an opportunity to learn critical information about this important topic, “Implementing Culturally Inclusive Pedagogy” in the classroom. Although our group was small, it was the perfect combination to learn from and with educators with different perspectives. […]

Learning Forward Events