
LF Colorado Board/Steering Meeting, October 23, 2019

Leadership Forum

Chris Bryan & Lois Easton Chris Bryan and Lois Easton are currently senior consultants to the National Staff Development Council and are co-presidents of the Colorado Staff Development Council. Both Chris and Lois work independently as consultants in the professional development field. Educators from around the state attended CSDC's second Leadership Forum focused on examining […]

Education Commissioner Dwight Jones Meets with CSDC Board

On February 23, 2010 members of the CSDC Board met with the Colorado Commissioner of Education, Dwight Jones.  Our purpose was to: Relay the mission, vision, and work of CSDC and its connection to NSDC. Understand the challenges the Commissioner faces with the work of education in Colorado. Identify possible crossovers or connections in our […]

It’s the New Colorado Academic Standards!

186,258 miles, 220 meetings, 8,000 log ins… It’s the New Colorado Academic Standards! Presented by: Linda Barker, Director of Teaching and Learning, CEA Jo O’Brien, Assistant Director, CDE, Office of Standards and Assessments Melissa Colsman, Math Content Specialist and Assistant Director, CDE, Office of Standards and Assessments Angela Norlander, Principal Consultant, CDE, Office of Standards […]

Annual Coaches Conference

Educators from around the state (Cortez, Douglas County, Cherry Creek, DPS, Colorado Springs, Thompson, Peyton, etc.) participated in this excellent learning event focused on Effective Coaching & Teacher Leader Programs: Essential Characteristics. Heather Clifton, Cindy Harrison & Chrysann McBride shared a framework for the design and implementation of effective coaching and teacher leader programs. Tools, […]

CSDC Conference: January 20, 2010

Rob Bocchino International Consultant, Author, Teacher “Now that I’ve heard Rob share information from his new book, Conscious Leadership, I’m anxious to purchase a copy,” commented one conference participant. Rob Bocchino facilitated an excellent day of learning with expertise, enthusiasm and energy. He provided time for delivering content, processing the information and networking with educators […]

No More Clock Watchers!

Stevi Quate & John McDermott October 22, 2010 Friday's workshop featuring Stevi Quate & John McDermott, authors of Clock Watchers was such a valuable learning experience.  Participants were definitely motivated ... and engaged in the learning!  Because Stevi & John decided to "go green" having no handouts, registrants were asked to bring laptop computers. They used technology […]

Learning Forward Events