
Learning Forward 2013 Annual Conference “Deepening Understanding in Schools”

Understanding the Nature of Conflict in Schools

Educators from around the state attended an excellent workshop, Understanding the Nature of Conflict in Schools facilitated by Heather Clifton on January 13th. Participants came from Greeley, Aurora, Douglas County, & Jeffco, as well as Hertzl Lower School. it was an outstanding day of learning and networking. Heather is a master at balancing content, process […]

The Six Secrets of Change

Learning Forward Colorado's 14th Annual Conference featuring Michael Fullan was a huge success! Approximately 250 educators from around the state enjoyed a day of meaningful learning and networking with colleagues! Participants represented a wide variety of roles & responsibilities, and came from various areas around the state: Colorado Springs, Englewood, Adams 12, Adams 50, Cherry […]

Voices of Racial Consciousness: Pushing Beyond Awareness

February 10th was a morning of rich conversation, stimulating questions and informative content. Scott Capron & Rob Nickerson did a masterful job of facilitating the learning around this important topic. Participants, most from Aurora Public Schools examined the dynamics of race and the dominant culture as they relate to the learning of all students. The […]

Learning Forward Events