
Annual Conference for Instructional Coaches & Teacher Leaders: Getting It Right with Teacher Leadership

Voices of Racial Consciousness: Pushing Beyond Awareness

February 10th was a morning of rich conversation, stimulating questions and informative content. Scott Capron & Rob Nickerson did a masterful job of facilitating the learning around this important topic. Participants, most from Aurora Public Schools examined the dynamics of race and the dominant culture as they relate to the learning of all students. The […]

Implementing the Standards-Based Teaching/Learning Cycle in All Colorado Schools

Educators from around the state participated in this excellent learning event focused on implementing the standards-based teaching/learning cycle in Colorado schools. Linda Barker & Dave Benson did an outstanding job of providing an overview of this important information. As a result of their work with district reviews around the state, they have found that teachers […]

Understanding the Nature of Conflict in Schools

If you missed the April 16, 2009 workshop Understanding the Nature of Conflict in Schools, you missed an outstanding day of professional learning and networking. The event, originally scheduled to be presented by Heather Clifton, was expertly facilitated by Chrysann McBride, national educational consultant and former Director of Professional Learning in Jefferson County Schools. Due […]

Going Deeper: Coaching that Matters

“Going Deeper: Coaching that Matters” Heather Clifton, Cindy Harrison, Chrysann McBride September 14, (8:00-4:00) If you weren’t able to attend this outstanding workshop, you missed an opportunity to work with three nationally known coaching experts and to learn from educators around the state: Colorado Springs, Morgan County, Poudre Valley, DPS, St. Vrain, Adams 12, Adams […]


THE PRINCIPAL STORY: Engaging Leaders in Learning about Leadership Joellen Killion Deputy Executive Director, Learning Forward September 23, (8:00-11:00) You could have heard a pin drop during the viewing of the DVD, THE PRINCIPAL STORY, at our first Leadership Forum of the 2009-2010 school year. Guided by Joellen Killion’s skillful facilitation and focused questions participants […]

Learning Forward Events