Lifeline Coaching
from Learning Forward Colorado
LFC is providing free, confidential coaching support to members as they work through the changing landscape of education and the high levels of stress brought on by changes and uncertainty beyond our control. From disruption can come innovation!
Why Coaching?
Help mediate your thinking and improve your efficacy as an educator and learner!
Simply fill out the form and your coach will contact you to set up a date and time.

Over 70% of people who are coached benefit from improved work performance, relationships and more effective communication skills. (ICF)
“As a person who spends most of their time supporting and coaching others, this 30-minute opportunity felt like a luxury to me! It was amazing to be able to be coached and truly felt a bit selfish (in a good way). My coach helped me feel at ease and gave me some valuable questions to lead me to some new thinking. I began our 30 minutes "stuck" and ended feeling heard, valued, validated, and with a plan for further reflection.” - LFC MEMBER
Meet the Coaches