Learning Forward Colorado Webinar
May 8, 2020 6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Hosted by: Sherri Dennstedt and Denise Goldin -Dubois
(CCSD Secondary STEM and Innovation Instructional Coaches)
The Innovation of Engagement: Engaging All Learners in a Virtual World and any classroom!
Join Denise and Sherri as they share ideas, strategies and research-based approaches to engage all students in rigorous learning experiences. They will be sharing ways to create innovative ways of teaching in a remote learning environment and in your classroom that creates a culture of student-centred learning where students do the work, the thinking, the talking, creating, and problem-solving. Although their focus is on professional learning in STEM and innovation in their real work with teachers, these ideas apply to all K-12 teachers and all subject areas. Learning Forward Colorado Webinar May 8, 2020, 6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Watch more in this Webinar Series: Navigating Uncharted Waters
Apply the time spent watching, participating, and applying the content of Learning Forward Colorado webinars and the Summer Virtual Institute towards graduate-level credit through Dominican University’s EDUX 9983! (Registration for the course is required for credit.)