
Summer Learning Institute

Learning Forward Colorado Annual Conference

Dr. Robert Kegan January 26, 2012 Conference Why is personal change so difficult? How can we close the gap between our intentions, things we actually want to carry out, and what we are actually able to accomplish? What keeps us from making important changes in our lives? Dr. Kegan, Harvard professor, author, and international consultant […]

Learning Forward 2013 Annual Conference “SB 191: Creating New Mindsets”

Bruce Wellman - Presents November 12, 2013 What do Bruce Wellman and Peyton Manning have in common? Surgeon-like precision in the way they do their work. Participants, in their evaluations of the Learning Forward Colorado Annual Conference featuring Bruce Wellman, cited time and again the remarkable clarity and precision of language with which Bruce presents […]

Learning Forward 2013 Annual Conference “Deepening Understanding in Schools”

Ellin Keene and Bruce Wellman - Presents January 22, 2013 It wasn’t the excitement of Sports Authority Field. It was the excitement of synapses firing, connections being created, and educators embracing each other in discourse, thinking, and learning, and, deepening discourse, thinking, and learning. If "brainpower is the new currency of today" as proposed by […]

Learning Forward Colorado Summit

Approximately 24 Professional Learning Leaders spent two hours networking and engaging in thoughtful dialogue about leading supervision and developing communities of thought. Please take a look at Judi Herm’s "Thinking Maps" (pdf) about the content and how individuals might organize their thinking around these topics. The maps show a variety of ways to think , […]

Robyn Jackson-Promoting Excellence in Every Classroom through Collaborative Leadership-2015

Robyn Jackson Author Never Underestimate Your Teachers, Never Work Harder than Your Students (and many more) Designed with administrators, supervisors, coaches, and classroom teachers in mind! During the conference participants will: Learn ways to promote a collaborative spirit focusing on increasing teacher efficacy. Learn to assess teaching styles and provide actionable feedback based on the […]

Jim Knight-Better Conversations-2016

Learning Forward Colorado announces... 2016 Annual Conference Nov. 14th: Pre-Conference Nov. 15th: A Day with Jim Knight featuring Jim Knight Jim Knight has spent more than two decades studying professional learning, effective teaching, and instructional coaching. He is a research associate at the University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning and the president of […]

Learning Forward Events