
LFC Annual Conference with Dr. Doug Reeves

Annual Coaches Conference

Educators from around the state (Cortez, Douglas County, Cherry Creek, DPS, Colorado Springs, Thompson, Peyton, etc.) participated in this excellent learning event focused on Effective Coaching & Teacher Leader Programs: Essential Characteristics. Heather Clifton, Cindy Harrison & Chrysann McBride shared a framework for the design and implementation of effective coaching and teacher leader programs. Tools, […]

CSDC Conference: January 20, 2010

Rob Bocchino International Consultant, Author, Teacher “Now that I’ve heard Rob share information from his new book, Conscious Leadership, I’m anxious to purchase a copy,” commented one conference participant. Rob Bocchino facilitated an excellent day of learning with expertise, enthusiasm and energy. He provided time for delivering content, processing the information and networking with educators […]

No More Clock Watchers!

Stevi Quate & John McDermott October 22, 2010 Friday's workshop featuring Stevi Quate & John McDermott, authors of Clock Watchers was such a valuable learning experience.  Participants were definitely motivated ... and engaged in the learning!  Because Stevi & John decided to "go green" having no handouts, registrants were asked to bring laptop computers. They used technology […]

Data Conversations for 21st Century Schools

Chris Bryan, Heather Clifton, Cindy Harrison, Rob Nickerson November 3, 2010 During this challenging workshop participants examined 5 different types of data conversations. For each type, the purpose, data sources, frequency and focus of each conversation were discussed. They also explored a variety of templates, including their purposes, uses and potential challenges. Additionally, the culture […]

Transforming School Cultures through Conscious Leadership

What an amazing two days of professional learning!  Our first experience of partnering with CASE was outstanding!  And Rob Bocchino is truly a person with expertise, wisdom ... and heart!  The model used ... adding a coaching component ... proved to be very successful.  Participants were grouped into teams.  Each team had either a CSDC […]

Where the Rubber Meets the Road: Improving Instruction through Lesson Study

Lois Easton did an outstanding job of engaging participants in a variety of strategies to learn about this powerful form of professional learning called Lesson Study.  Attendees were challenged to experience the technique through simulation, actually engaging in the process and then debriefing the experience.  Lois then covered the basic elements of lesson study including […]

Learning Forward Events