
Learning Forward 2013 Annual Conference “Deepening Understanding in Schools”

The New Standards for Professional Learning

Educators traveled from as far away as Steamboat and Colorado Springs to attend this important workshop. Chris Bryan and Joellen Killion did a masterful job of guiding participants through the new Standards for Professional Learning. We engaged in several small group activities that helped educators understand the standards and how critical they are for all […]

Implementing Culturally Inclusive Pedagogy: Teaching Like Our Students’ Lives Matter

With Donna Sobel, Ph.D. and Sherry Taylor, Ph.D. Thursday, February 9, 2012 If you missed this workshop, you missed an opportunity to learn critical information about this important topic, “Implementing Culturally Inclusive Pedagogy” in the classroom. Although our group was small, it was the perfect combination to learn from and with educators with different perspectives. […]

Literacy 2.0: Shifting into the 21st Century Mindset

Our workshop on Friday, March 2nd, Literacy 2.0: Shifting into the 21st Century Mindset was outstanding! Stevi Quate & Joe Dillon did a masterful job of creating an interactive learning environment connecting content, social media, and computer tools. Stevi & Joe explained the difference between "Literacy 1.0" & "Literacy 2.0". Literacy 1.0 is simply the […]

Learning Forward Colorado Deepening Understanding in Schools Summit

What follows is a quick summary of the Deepening Understanding Schools Summit held on October 9, 2012. Please consider what might be helpful to you as you work to design, implement, and support quality professional learning. Event Outcomes: You will . . . Be Influential in networking and in conversation among Professional Learning Leaders about […]

Learning Forward Colorado Annual Conference

Dr. Robert Kegan January 26, 2012 Conference Why is personal change so difficult? How can we close the gap between our intentions, things we actually want to carry out, and what we are actually able to accomplish? What keeps us from making important changes in our lives? Dr. Kegan, Harvard professor, author, and international consultant […]

Learning Forward 2013 Annual Conference “SB 191: Creating New Mindsets”

Bruce Wellman - Presents November 12, 2013 What do Bruce Wellman and Peyton Manning have in common? Surgeon-like precision in the way they do their work. Participants, in their evaluations of the Learning Forward Colorado Annual Conference featuring Bruce Wellman, cited time and again the remarkable clarity and precision of language with which Bruce presents […]

Learning Forward Events