
Feedback Forum

Networking Dinner – October 24, 2019

Good food, old friends and new, and a chance to positively impact our profession! Learning Forward Colorado networking dinners are exciting events spent generating ideas, sharing opportunities, and connecting with colleagues from around the state.  Come eat, relax, refresh, converse, and energize while networking with other committed professionals! Leave inspired by our collective strength and creativity.

LFKS FALL INSTITUTE: Teacher Leadership

Leading Change from the Classroom and Beyond: The Why, What and How of Teacher Leadership A two-day workshop presented by Learning Forward Kansas featuring Jim Knight November 14-15, 2019 (Thursday/Friday), Wichita, KS […]

Networking Dinner – January 30, 2020

January is a month of new beginnings and goal setting. For educators it's the time we hope to see our students shine and grow! It's also the perfect time to commit some time for yourself! Come eat, relax, refresh, converse, and energize while networking with other committed professionals! Leave inspired by networking and collaboration opportunities.

LF Colorado Board/Steering Meeting, February 13, 2020

Please join us for this 2020 Learning Forward Colorado Steering/Board Meeting! We have some exciting opportunities ahead, and we would like to personally invite you to think with us as we plan strategically to address our mission of building the capacity of leaders to establish and sustain highly effective professional learning for Colorado educators.

Learning Forward Events